Saturday, September 1, 2018

Flooding the apartment. xD

So, I had  grand plans to write some probably boring post....


Okay, well, I only flooded the front portion of it...but still!

How? you may ask.  Simply.  I was doing laundry, and to do that I had to move the laundry machine in front of the bathroom, hook up the hose and then lay the drainage pipe into the bathroom (remember, the    bathroom is like one giant shower stall with a toilet and a sink in it). So, I didn't realize that the hose was draining when it did the first time and I saw something glistening on the floor.  I run out of my room, slip and go sliding across the floor, hurting my knees.  I managed to get it all cleaned up but I used 2.5 rolls of toilet paper in the process. xD

In other news....
I went back to Walmart today.  I've decided that I need to cook a bit.  This is for two reasons.  One, even if I eat out and spent about 15 dollars a day, in a month that adds up to about $450 dollars, and I'd rather use that money for something traveling.  Two, eating out is eating out.  It's not the best for you.

Oh, I plan on eating at the local places because the food is awesome, but I plan on cooking a bit.  So, I got supplies at Walmart.  A few interesting things about produce and meat in Walmart in China.  First off, they have so many different kinds of fruit!  I almost got dragon fruit..I'll get it next time.  I ended up being safe and getting pineapple and grapes.  The meat section is fascinating.  You can buy packaged meat, but they also have literal piles of fresh meat stacked in containers. Like, you can just go over there, grab some chicken feet or whatnot and put it in a bag.  It's super cool!  Honestly, I'll probably end up going for the packaged food, but either way...amazing!  Oh yeah, and eggs are not kept cool. I bought a dozen eggs and they are just stacked in the normal store, not in a cold aisle.


Breakfast: 15.5RMB--Today was an expensive day as far as RMB goes.  I decided Saturdays are going to be my bakery days.  Sundays I will always need 50RMB for board game night, and I should cook, so Saturdays I will make bakery day.  Usually it will just be egg tarts, but today I got an egg tart and a hotdog wrapped in fresh warm bread.  My egg tart was for a snack. I ate the hotdog for breakfast.

Walmart: 197 RMB--This was expensive.  I bought a small pot, dishwashing soap, fruit, OJ, olive oil, eggs.  I ended up getting a lot.  Some of it were one time purchases such as the pot, and the olive oil and dishwashing soap will last a bit.

Dinner: 148RMB--This was an expensive meal.  I've not been eating enough protein.  I can feel it, so I went to the Italian place and got a meat and cheese plate so I could eat protein.  A lot of the Chinese dishes come with noodles, which I love.  But, yeah.


I walked to the two train stops today again.  This time I timed them because I knew how to get there.

Train 1: It's a 25 minute walk.  However, I'll only need to be on one train line to get to work.
Train 2: It's a 21 minute walk, so a bit shorter.  The walk is a bit prettier, too.  However, I'd have to switch train lines.

I think I'm going to go with train one.  I might get off at Train 2 on my way back from work on Fridays as I'll pass the Walmart on my walk home...but we shall see.


I spent some time today prepping.  Honestly, I'm super excited about my American/British lit class.  We're going to start with some fantasy selections. Yay!

I've got the first week planned for both classes, so I want to start on the second week.  My English III classes are going to be a bit rougher with trying to use the books...the books are confusing.  I have my ideas for the first four weeks, and it's all about writing arguments and debating.  Should be fun.  It's what happens after October break that throws me off.


No dumplings today. =[


  1. They don't wash the eggs like we do, which is why they don't require refrigeration. I read articles on the weirdest stuff sometimes.

    1. Oh, cool! That actually really awesome. Who would have thought that washing them would be an issue!
