Monday, September 3, 2018

So many things including nice weather and board games.

I didn't post yesterday because it was so long, which just means you get a longer post today. Yay! ~shifty eyes~ Oh, by the way, I have a huge bruise on my knee from when I fell.

So, knowing me, I go literally across the world and I find a board game group.  Hah.  My boss and his friend started up a board game group that meets once a week in this really cool place.  In China you cannot just take your boardgames to a coffee shop.  There are special board game places (this one was called The Owl Museum) where you pay to get in and then you play.  It's a pretty good deal, honestly.  It's 50 RMB ($7.33) for however long and you get unlimited drinks and snacks.  See? Good deal.  There were five of us yesterday, though some more said they would come.  It seems like the day is changing to Saturday instead of Sunday because most teach on Monday.  Thankfully I don't start teaching until Tuesday.
Fury of Dracula....Dracula won. xD

Afterwards we walked down this cool street.  So, it's an old street and apparently there aren't many like it, but it's super touristy.  Honestly, that doesn't bother me, but it was really cool.  I need to go there one day and just wander around.  A lot of the food smelled good as well.  The group of us wandered around and found this small restaurant.  We are so obsessed with eating Chinese food, but the Chinese quite like non-Chinese I ended up eating pasta. xD

The rest of Sunday was pretty low key.  I did some planning.  Right now I'm a week ahead, which I like.  I don't want to spend my whole weekend planning for the week ahead, so if I can always stay a week or two ahead I'll be happy.  October holidays fall on the first week of classes, so I believe that is the first week of October, so if I can be prepared past that, I'd be happy.  I just need to put the finishing touches on this weeks' lesson plans.

Today was another low key day.  I walked down to Walk-mart.  I needed drain cleaner.  I feel like my bathroom floods every time I use the shower. The water seems to take awhile to drain, so I managed to find some.  I'll find out tonight if it works.  I also got another towel.  I've been using the moisture wick towel I brought over with me, which is amazing by the way.  However, I wanted a full bath tower, and I was able to get one reasonably cheap.  What fascinates me is it is a Better Homes and Gardens towel. xD

The weather was actually nice today.  We could see blue skies.  Granted, this isn't because the weather has been bad, but there are so many factories here.  There is a conference going on here, the 2018 Beijing Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation.  Apparently, when these summits happen factory hours are limited. Which, means...nice skies! I got some pictures from the walkway that goes over the road near me.

Classes start tomorrow, and I'm nervous.  It's a longggg day tomorrow.  Tuesdays will always be long, unfortunately.  I have class essentially from 8am to 9pm.  Well, actually 9:30, but those night classes tend to get out half an hour early, as per my boss.  Some days we will probably run until 9:30, but whatever.  The whole school has an hour long lunch and dinner break, which is nice. And I won't be teaching one two hour chunk, so that's good. But still, it'll be a long day.  The rest of the week won't be bad though....No classes on Wednesday.  One meeting on Thursday afternoon but no classes.  And, three classes on Friday morning. Then, a three day weekend!


Sunday: I only bought dinner and gaming yesterday, so it was a really cheap day! I made an egg with some leftover meat for breakfast.  Dinner was 48RMB and the gaming price was 50RMB, so overall a day that cost me less than like $16 dollars. Yay!

Monday: Granted, today isn't over yet, but all I have left is dinner, and if the place I want is open, it will be 31 RMB...if the other place is open, it will be like 48RMB...But, anyway, I withdrew just under $200 dollars today.  I don't get paid until the 20th, and while I suspect that I had would have lasted me, I have had a lot of expenses that just couldn't be avoided.  Either way, before I withdrew money I had 96RMB left.

So, my Wal-mart trip cost be 86.8RMB.  I got a towel and drain-o and a water and a bun of some sort.  I ate an egg for breakfast, so so far no food costs.  I did stop at the store and pick up some creature comforts...some milk and nutella. It came to 34.40RMG...under 7 dollars, so it wasn't too bad!  Plus, because my days are so early, I don't know if I'll have time for an egg in the morning (unless I can't sleep), so some milk will at least get me through until lunch.


None today...but tomorrow you can sure bet there will be...which means there will be left overs as well! <3

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